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Fijian pastor, Tuburuarua Apolosi Qalilawa, is a retired church pastor. Early in 2007, he had an overpowering vision while lying on the floor of his home. Pastor’s dramatic vision was told to many of the nation’s leaders, in the church and in government.

In April 2008, Pastor Qalilawa called into the Fiji Daily Post and recounted his vision for us. An edited transcript of that interview was published there and following weeks along with pastor’s commentary of his experience. It is reprinted here for the benefit of our readers’ understanding of the Fiji’s present Christian-State secession movement:

Man with a Vision for our Beloved Nation


It was early in the morning at about 3.30am in my home in Naveiwakau where I was shown a vision from God.

It was customary for me to wake up early every morning to pray at that particular time for our nation, our people, the leaders of our government, and chiefs of our beloved country.

After prayers each morning I usually walk a few kilometers to a health institution to conduct short devotions.

It was on the 7th of February (2007) at 3.30 in the morning I lay on my back facing the ceiling when I saw a bright light.

Then came the vision.

Things were shown to me in sets of three.

The first set was of three different groups of people:

1. First, a group of chiefs was sitting on a newly developed flat ground with a big bure standing behind them;

2. The second group was of soldiers on parade with three heads of the military government on parade to my left. One head stood on each side of the present Interim Prime Minister who, standing in the middle, was dressed in civilian clothes. The officer to the right seemed to be the former PM of our country, Sitiveni Rabuka. The officer to the left was the Land Force Commander, Colonel Driti.

3. The third group was composed of representatives of the church. The ministers of three different denominations stood in front facing the officers of the military. It was if they were on parade too.

All were silent.

I looked toward the soldiers and the officers eager to know what would happen next.

I stood amazed as I noticed the former Prime Minister, Rabuka’s face turned towards the Land Force Commander and he nodded his head for him to take command.

Unfortunately Colonel Driti tried three times to talk, but in vain, he couldn’t open his mouth to give the command.

His face was swollen with the effort, but he couldn’t talk.

After the third attempt, Rabuka himself tried to issue the command, but his effort was in vain too.

To my great astonishment darkness fell and lightning flashed from the sky with a big thunderclap.

It was a great noise and something like handwritten alphabet letters flashed and stood fast above the three leaders of the military.

This was the second set of three in my vision: three letter D’s – two in red and one in green lit up the whole sky.

It fell quiet and all of the people in the vision started to stare up at the three letters in the sky.

Two of my Christian brothers who were standing beside me took quick steps backward.

I turned to wave them to come back, but in vain – they were gone.

I stood alone, amazed and was eager to know what it was all about.

Then I heard voice speaking to me saying ‘stand still, don’t hesitate, and don’t move – look up and see the three Ds’.

‘The first D represents Democracy’.

‘The second D represents the Decree’

As I looked at the third D, the first two, the first and second Ds were swallowed into the third D and they grew dim and vanished.

There stood the third D – a green, big and bold letter.

I heard the voice again which said, ‘The third is the Decalogue of God. That D will stand forever. God the Creator in his own time will intervene. The law of God or the Ten Commandments of God represents the character of God the Creator of the Universe itself. People who are called by my name from every nation, tongue, class or creed are to bow before me here, saith the Lord’.

That was the first phase of the vision I received.

Remember to bear in mind that this was a vision from above.

Nothing, I promise, has been added to it.

It is pure – direct from above for our nation.

I was summoned by Him prior to the vision.

The vision is not for me to hide or be ashamed of for its time is at hand.

This vision is to be told to government leaders, the churches, chiefs and to all of the people of the nation.

Remember that God repeated these words to me: ‘I will intervene in my own time’.


In my vision I stood alone facing the three high officials of the military – Driti, Rabuka and the present Interim Prime Minister.

The Interim Prime Minister stood in the middle of the three already dressed in the official civilian clothes of a Prime Minister.

As I saw this, I look around at the chiefs of our beloved country who were sitting on the ground.

I saw one of them stand up and signal them all to stand up and leave that place immediately.

But a few of them stood up too, raising their hands and signaling the assembled to remain seated and to watch the hand-written DECALOGUE - the third D [see Part 1] - of God that was still standing fast across the sky.

I then heard the voice again in my vision which said, ‘Tell them that it is I the Lord God Almighty who has been leading the world, not man, even though circumstances may arise that people may query about’.

‘Don’t hesitate to tell them that nations will rise and nations will fall’.

‘Kings will fall all into the hands and control of the Almighty God’.


‘Democracy’s time has gone for now, and now, it’s the time of Decree’.

‘But remember to tell them that I am in control of the universe’.

I was thus reminded again and again of the command: ‘Go and tell them I will take over, I will intervene’.

To me, this message is unique and for the nation to know about.

The vision wants us to look at the content of the Decalogue.

I can recall God loving the world that he gave to his Son to die for us as a people and a nation.

I thought also of the words of Jesus when he asked his followers: ‘If you love me keep my commandment’.

Let us be assured that God loves this nation, Fiji, and all the people in it.

How can we respond to that unlimited love of God Almighty, the Creator?

Everything then stood still and it seemed there was a pause for a moment.

I thought I was standing alone.

A new sound echoed around the ground.

The facial expressions of every head including those sitting and the soldiers as well as the three leading officer looked brighter and much happier.

I heard it too - the sound of an old melodious vucu or meke.

It sounded good to me and the facial expressions of the assembled told me too.

I stepped to my right and saw a newly built vatunuloa (i.e. shed).

A few persons dressed in white clothes were sitting and singing and old European man also dressed in white was conducting the song.

I stood amazed at the scene and looked toward the chiefs and the soldiers.

Their faces were turned towards the brightness of the third D above the three leaders – the word Decalogue – which was shining above them.

As they were looking up at it, they all had their ears inclined to listen to the melodious sound of the vucu coming from the vatunuloa.

I asked myself what’s all this about? What is happening?

I then heard the voice again: ‘Can you hear the words used in the vucu?’

‘Yes’, I replied, ‘I can hear it’.

‘It’s the message from God from the Book of Revelation and it says “Fear God and give him glory for the hour of his judgement is come; and worship him who made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountain of waters”’.

This vucu in the gospel of Revelation 14 verse 7 was being repeated again and again for us.

I asked myself why was the vucu or meke with its strange melodious voices of a few people, echoing across the whole place.

Then I heard the voice again.

It said: ‘The Angel’s message is for the world and the nation’.

‘It is sung in vucu so it fits the ears of all those who are desperate to hear and know the words of God’.

‘The gospel has to come down to their level of understanding’.

And why the conductor, I asked.

I was told: ‘The gospel should be going out faster for the time is at hand’.

Yes, I was able to understand the voice’s message and I thanked God.

The message was crystal clear: “Fear God and give him glory for the hour of his judgement is come; and worship him who made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountain of waters”.

What I understand is this:

1. Yes, it is time for this nation to fear God.

2. It is time for our beloved nation to glorify God.

3. It is time for the judgement hour message of God which is now going on in heaven.

4. It is time to worship the Creator rather than created things.

The solution for everyone’s problem in Fiji, for all people of all classes and individually, is to turn to God – ‘Fear Him and give him glory’.

I say that if this nation inclines their ear to hear once more the melodious sound of the warning of God in Revelation 14 we will see what our Mighty God has promised to do for our nation.

Just as it says in 2 Chronicles: ‘If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND’.

Yes, God’s promises never fail mankind.

He says it and he promises to do it.

Likewise for our beloved country.

Through my vision, I believe God is talking to all the people of Fiji as one nation.

There was corruption among the godly people of Israel too.

So God’s message to us is the same as it was to them: ‘If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND’ [2 Chronicles].

As my vision went on, I saw people still staring at the Decalogue that was shining in their eyes.

They also inclined their ears toward the sound of the vucu or meke.

I took a few steps to the right to sit down and rest and as I looked down, I found some old heaps of cardboard.

Underneath them, I saw new bank notes.

I picked up a few, but there were heaps.

I sensed that I had found a fortune for our beloved country and for all our people.

As I looked at the notes they increased in heaps and heaps.

Billions of dollars seemed to be there.

But I noticed something peculiar about the money.

They were not the currency of Fiji; they were different notes, not from Fiji.

I was surprised then when one of the chiefs stood up in front of me.

He was dressed in masi.

He whispered to me, ‘Throw them away the notes, get rid of them, they have no value’.

I realised they were Asian notes, Chinese notes.

I looked the chief straight in the face and shouted with an angry voice: ‘It’s money for our nation; we need it now. The government needs it; the people need it’.

The chief bounced right back with a command: ‘Leave it alone, we don’t need it. It is valueless. I’ll show you something you need’.

Then he disappeared.

I stepped aside once more toward the vatunuloa – to my right.

The echoes of singing by the people in the shed still echoed around the setting and the third D – Decalogue – was still shining fast across the whole sky.

As I watched it grew bigger and bigger.

Now, what I saw next was not shown to others in my vision – no one else saw it except me and the chief who had warned me about accepting the notes and wealth from China and the rest of Asia.

It was this: I took a few steps to the right and saw some other pieces of cardboard and wood lying on the ground in heaps.

I became tired and had to sit and rest.

As I did so, this pile of cardboard seemed to be swaying.

This caused me to stand again and to my astonishment I saw that I had sat down on a one-thousand dollar coin (saqa moli).

I heard the chiefly voice again.

It said: ‘That is the money you are sitting on. Start with it all over again and work hard. We are going to start again’.

The voice continued to echo slowly to my ears: ‘Start again. Be content with what you have now. Look before you go, now go and open that’.

I looked and it was something like a big mail bag with a golden knot fastening it.

The voice continued: ‘Go and open it – see what is inside’.

I followed the command and opened the bag up.

To my amazement, I saw three things glittering inside.

First, at the bottom was something like a black liquid.

It was shining.

There were two other things inside shining as well.

I was asked: ‘Have you seen it?’

‘Yes’, I responded.

‘Close it now, for the time is near’.

I did so and then tried with all my best power to lift the bag into a more secure place.

Instead, I was told: ‘Don’t touch it. There is no machine in this whole wide world that will be able to lift it. It is for the nation. It is for my people. It is for the government. For rich and poor, for all classes that live in the nation. Leave it as it is. But listen, there are three conditions which if met by my people will enable them to claim it for it is already theirs’.

As I listened the three conditions were told to me as this:

1. ‘Look to the Decalogue. “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follows all his commands I give you today, the Lord you God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God” [Deuteronomy 28: 1, 2]. Look to what the chiefs and government are staring at – it is they who should listen and obey and trust me. If they do as I command, I will open it’.

2. ‘The wealth or fortune is for preaching the everlasting gospel to the nation and the other nations will come from all over the world because of the wealth, but they will bow down before Me here’.

3. ‘The money is also for the debts to be paid in love for your brothers, the Indians, who were brought over to work hard for a better Fiji. They are your fellow human beings created in the image of God. They have to be shown my love for I love them too. They will sense the agape love of God and they too will worship the One God, the Creator of the universe’.



Qalilawa saw an assembly of Fiji’s chiefs and military as if on parade. He saw three men standing out in front of everyone else – former PM and coup-leader, Rabuka, Interim PM, Bainimarama, and Colonel Driti. Rabuka was seen leaning back behind Bainimarama and signaling Driti to take action by giving a command to the troops. Driti was unable to get the relevant words out. Rabuka himself tried but was unable to. There then appeared over their heads three letter ‘D’s visible only to the watching troops and chiefs. The first two Ds were smallish and red; the third D was larger and green in colour. Qalailawa saw that the first D stood for democracy; the second D stood for decrees; and the larger green D stood for the Decalogue. As he and the others were looking up at the Ds, the smaller red Ds moved across and merged into the larger green D (Decalogue). Amazed and puzzled about what it all meant, Qalailawa sought a resting place and found a cardboard mat to sit down on. There, he noticed notes of money poking out from under the edges of the mat – notes he recognized as foreign currency. Qalilawa felt elated at the prospect that Fiji was going to be rich until a chief told him the notes were not for the nation. Disappointed Qalailawa saw another mat under which was a gold coin. The chief then showed him a canvas bag in which three things were seen: a dark shiny fluid and two ores – all of which were for Fiji’s future prosperity. As Qalilawa considered this he could hear vucu or meke chanting. His chiefly guide pointed him to the bag and the third D – Decalogue - saying that Fiji’s future did not need foreign currencies. Rather the blessings of wealth and prosperity seen in the bag would come to the nation on condition that the final D – the Decalogue – is observed by the people of Fiji.



We are told in the Bible, that ‘Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets’ (Amos 3:7).

We have nothing to fear when we let God take control.

God Almighty does not want us as a nation and as a people to be taken by surprise when his judgement comes upon the world.

In my vision God is giving us a warning.

Unless we, as a nation, take heed of the warning handwritten by God in his commandments, and specifically in the Decalogue, we will miss out on his blessings.

He is also warning us by the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 to ‘fear God’ and ‘worship him that created the heavens and the earth for his hour of judgement has come’.

The essence of the message in the whole vision is entirely based on these two major facts about God in the Bible.

That is, his commandments and his last message of love to all people as given in the Book of Revelation.

To all our beloved people across the nation;

To the government and leaders in our government;

To the leaders and believers in our churches;

To all other religious bodies;

To the vanua, yavusas, mataqali and tokatokas in the villages and towns;

To the other groups of people of different religion and tongues - let us now be assured the He still loves us and wants us to know that he is in control of everything in the world right now.

He wants us to know that he is the creator-owner and sustainer of all things on earth.

The warning message of love that I received in 2007 is for all groups of people in our beloved nation, whether believers and non-believers.

The vision will be interpreted Biblically in simple form and I will consider five major aspects and phases of the vision. These are:

1. Our government and how God uses governments, kings, and all rulers of this world to show his glory and power to mankind.

2. The Three ‘D’s I heard and saw in my vision, that is, the three types of government and their corresponding types of leadership. First comes Democracy, then the Decrees, and then comes the Decalogue.

3. The vanua or people of Fiji and their response to the justice of God as shown in the Ten Commandments or Decalogue.

4. The echoes of the sound of mekes and the message of Revelation 14:6-12 sung by the seven elders being conducted to synchronise with the beating of the lali.

5. The wealth of our nation. There will be less involvement and aid from other nations. We will go through a more difficult time as a nation in order that we start all over again with 50 cents and dollars. God will allow that so that we can rely more on him by faith. That wealth is unseen now, but if justice is enforced in the hearts of all of us, God will open up the wealth of our nation for us.

But we must never forget: the condition God places on that benefit is based on the observance of his commands, and on the reality that we, as a nation, have to be a God-fearing people.

All people, all classes of rich and poor should now come near to him; it is time to worship and honour him.

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’, Matthew 22:37 says.

Finally, we are told in the Bible by God himself, that ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land’ 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Questions may be asked by those who have followed through.

How can this vision be interpreted?

Answer is yes if through the light of the word of God.

There are many ways in which God revealed His secrets to us.

The two most common ones are through dreams and visions.

Most of this are recorded in the word of God the Bible the word of God.

Beyond all questions, we are living in the most momentous period of history.

It is a time of vast and rapid changes Human thoughts and progress which for Millenniums advanced like.

Some slow – moving glacier have thawed into thousand torrents of intense activity, plunging precipitously toward a frightening tomorrow.

Great clock of destiny are striking now, and with each thunderous clang, some new epoch – making events occurs.

Long pent – up hatred burst forth in flaming revolt.

Old empires totter and collapse.

Science break through another barrier into the unknown.

  • It must to our nation to know that this is an age of revolution in every phase of life.

Everywhere there is ferment and turmoil as the more as the more than four thousand million inhabitants of earth polarize around the self – appointed champions of East and West.

  • It is also an age of discovery and invention Swiftly we have moved from Steam Age to the Electric

Age to the Atomic Age and the Space Age Having conquered the last frontiers of earth, man is reaching for the stars.

The harnessing of the atom has put more poor within man reach.

Than he has possessed since the dawn of time.

So enormous are the new source of energy now available that they could turn the world into a paradise – or a shambles.

They could carry men to the highest pinnacles of creative achievement – or to destruction.

Unfortunately their primary use has been for military purpose, the creation of weapons so destructive that one of them could wipe out a metropolis in one frightful explosion.

James T Farrell famous novelist, writing in (The Peace for Space) expresses the opinion that the awful fear now gripping many hearts has revived concern the THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR.

We think of it as possible now and in our own life time, he says, we even sometimes ask ourselves if we are to be the last generation.

It’s also an age of lawlessness and fear.

Never have been time people been so afraid of the future.

Never before has there been valid reason for such fear.





TO OUR NATION NOW, Government leaders chiefs churches and all people o four beloved nation, in the gathering storm.




But where shall such help be found?

In some local discussion group?

At a political forum?

On a psychiatrists couch?



It is the book of the our

It has a message for our day for all mankind for all nations and for you today.

To the 3 D’s shown to me, 2 being dim and swallowed into the third D.

It is clear that man made laws and rules to govern people or nation will fade away.

The light of the word of God and the Decalogue of God will stand forever.

THE DECALOGUE was shinning above all people of the nation which means the word of God is the light and inside the Bible, the word of God, lays the Decalogue of God.


When God Almighty has sounded a warning message for our beloved nation, Let us say it with David I have taken an oath and comfirmed it that I will follow your righteous laws.

I have suffered much, preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word

Accept, O LORD The willing praise of my mouth and teach me your laws.

Though I constantly take my life in my hands I will not forget your law.

Your statues are my heritage forever My heart is set on keeping your Decrees to the very end.

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